Tuesday, December 07, 2010

Cold Turkey

The sailing season finished at the end of October. Wild Goose is now tucked away in the garage, safe from the horrid snow and ice (all except the mast which is hanging from fence posts and waiting for me to strip down and protect).
For the last two months I've had my head in books studying and the last month has been a little more manic with essays to write so I have not thought too much about it but today I have been thinking 'How good it would be to go sailing' - but not in this weather! I hear the hardy types saying 'Do the winter series' and I could have done a winter series but my wife doesn't do winter sailing and I am not so keen on it either, plus drysuits are just a tad too expensive.

So Youtube sailing vids it is then.....until the new season begins! Ah Boat work first. Well that's something to look foward too.

1 comment:

Doc Häagen-Dazs said...

Yeah, I'm with you. We had a guy in our venue propose Wednesday afternoon racing through the winter. Not many takers!